Site Updates *please read, we promise not to do this often*
(Due to the immense amount of time the webmaster is using by editing this site, this will unfortunately replace the dailies today).
In the future, we will try to abstain from this annoying sort of talking about our site on our site. We apologize for doing so now. However, there are some major things that we would like to tell our few readers because of novelty of the site and the size of the changes.
1.) Notice all the new content? Doesn't it look great? More's on the way! Keep a look out for that.
2.) We should be indexed on search engines in about 2 weeks, give or take. The biggest thing that you can do to help, if you want to, is to mention us on social media and drop a link, so that crawlers (bots) will find us more quickly.
3.) We are shortly transferring the domain over to something that is easier to remember, so do not be surprised if the current link dies all of a sudden. By this time, we should hopefully be indexed so it should be easier to find us.
4.) We are going to be adding contact forms to the site once we get a distinctive domain, so submissions, corrections, suggestions, and other messages can be sent to us directly from the site.
5.) We will soon be creating twitter, Facebook, and linkden accounts, so also look out for those!